Friday, September 7, 2012

My kind regards to Berberis The Cat

 It was my dad who told me this story, one night when I was six I believe, and I couldn't sleep without a story. It's been loads of years then I've been creating this story, more chapters and characters. To celebrate finishing of the prologue, in which I explain how the story has started, I would like to start sharing the story here, on Monkey Seduction.

 Berberis is a mysterious habitant of the desert in Fifth Galaxy, a wise and old human being living inside a body of a black cat. He runs a tea house for random travelers passing his desert-home, but no one has an idea about how many secrets does he hide, and who he really is. This mystery has been creating by a compelling words used centuries ago, for whom Berberis will always seem to humans as a surreal dream. This reality is getting interrupted suddenly by cruel, chemical war, which will let the Great History to Berberis' life and force him to use his hidden powers.

 My tortoise is gone, but the tortoise had already decided to leave.

Missing my tortoise, I went to visit places in stratosphere which surround us as invisible coat, and wandering through empty breathless spaces of fifth galaxy I met weird cat named Berberis. Berberis has a tea house on the corner of Evanescence and Immortality, next to the Ghost House full of inaudible songs and voices. But the fumes of tea spread narcotic vision of not-knowing-for-human colours and paintings, and I wasn't able to leave
the walls made of paintings. So I'm stuck here.. Here, where I am right now, one minute lasts forever.

 The piece above is coming from The first Great Book of Western and Southern Gracia, quoted in Chronicles of I and II Chemical War by Teseus. 

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