Monday, September 24, 2012

I got irritated, mr Frank.

 I'm not even sure if that's the most proper way of expression. But I bet you agree that the word 'irritate' has a power none of it's synonyms is able to posess. 

- I posted something on my blog- said my literary one of best friends Paolo O. Martin also known as Paul Portier taking a huge bite of salmon and chewing it thoroughly- afer so many weeks. Which means, I've finally overcome my depression.
 - Wasn't blogging supposed to be a medicin for your depression?- I was confused.
 - Well, yes, but after a while I got too depressed to run a blog.

 So I got into the moment, when I really didn't feel like posting anything. First, naturally, I thought I was depressed. But after all I understood I was just annoyed. No, exactly, bad word. I was irritated. 

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Learning Indonesian, or How The Nerds Understand Active Way To Take The Rest

 What can I say, I am a huge fan of almost all of the forms of active way to take the rest. But, which is quite typical for me, me understanding of that is quite unusual. 

 This post is my lifestyle introduction. As you might have guessed, it has nothing to do with healthy food nor exercises. It would be not very Monkey Seduction. 

Friday, September 7, 2012

My kind regards to Berberis The Cat

 It was my dad who told me this story, one night when I was six I believe, and I couldn't sleep without a story. It's been loads of years then I've been creating this story, more chapters and characters. To celebrate finishing of the prologue, in which I explain how the story has started, I would like to start sharing the story here, on Monkey Seduction.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Desperately seeking Victor A.

 First time it crossed my mind two days ago, when I noticed this initial in one of the streets. It might have looked innocent. Just, a small mistake. But it took me only couple of minutes to realize, that behind the legend about Victor A. there is something deeper.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Somewhere on Earth- 6 months of Monkey Seduction.

 I opened a website as usual and I realized that Monkey Seduction is already 6 months old. Therefore, I would like to thank everybody who keep checking my posts, and enjoying, somehow, my modest try of writing skills. To thank you, I would like to introduce myself to you in this post, as I think, I owe to all of these people who actually read me.