First time it crossed my mind two days ago, when I noticed this initial in one of the streets. It might have looked innocent. Just, a small mistake. But it took me only couple of minutes to realize, that behind the legend about Victor A. there is something deeper.
Once you get out from the tube station in Buckhurst Hill on the Central Line, you find yourself in a nice, green place so different from everything you may know in London (especially if you live in North East). The surprisingly green and moonshiningly clean hill is surrounded by perfectly beautiful roads. But there is something real about this perfection, something wild and messy in its' order, and all of this builds nothing but personality of this place. And this personality will always be a reason, why Buckhurst Hill cannot be a scenary of a movie. But Buckhurst Hill, with its spacious gardens and big, transparent facades doesn't need a movie. Just imagine what is hidden, behind these facades, when it's dark enough not to see through.
Walking towards the tube station, you need to pass a picturesque Victoria Road. Then turn to see a round parking and a train station awaiting almost like sitting upon a river. And in this exact moment, if you take a look at the corner, the place will give you a hint. Amongst the perfectly green ivy, there is a sign: 'Victor A. Road'. First thought will be always the same- such a funny mistake. Just get rid of the 'I' and the expression changes its' substantial meaning. But something told me there is something deeper. Watching the sign for couple of minutes I realized, that such a simple joke is definitely not Buckhurst Hill style. Something told me, that the sign is exactly what it should be and exactly this, Victor A. Road, has a significant meaning for the story which has started to get written in my head. Victor A. This tricky initial could at the same time mean: 'Anonymous' but I put this thought aside, as it would probably lead me to nowhere. There had to be a reason, why it's simply 'Victor A.' and nothing more or less. Play with words, and analogy to Victoria Road, helped to code the essential meaning of the story, which was supposed to be remembered forever.
For the next days I couldn't get it off of my mind. Who was Victor A.? Why does he need to be covered under the shades of silly mistakes, and why cannot his name be recognized so badly, that even coded by play of a words still we can read only an initial.
So if anybody knows anything about a legend of Victor A., someone maybe with a better knowledge about a history of the area, please give me a hint. My imagination is hungry for this story.
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