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No matter how long it takes, how many other things does it take, I always miss my blog. And I almost let it die, or maybe it could have looked like that, but after all I am here, standing on my feet.
No matter how long it takes, how many other things does it take, I always miss my blog. And I almost let it die, or maybe it could have looked like that, but after all I am here, standing on my feet.
After my grandfather died everything seemed so bleached. Everything I was meant to say, and meant to write, and every story I worked on seemed to be irrelevant. Pointless. Many words are created never to be published. But this is a life of words, they live as long as we need them. I spent this time walking around the streets, translating in my mind the same poem on an on, again. On these days I almost forgot my English, the one I used as a creative force and I came to the point, where every next step was only a running in the circle.
But yesterday it was my birthday. One of not very cheerful ones but therefore quite refreshing. And I would like to thank everybody, who were still checking this page, during all this time. You can now lean back and prepare for a resurrection. Monkey Seduction is back. To start once again.
Let me tell you a story of an incredible land. Once upon the time there was a kingdom peaceful as an infinite sea, established like an old wise tree and untouched like an image on a sand. The wind was so slow and gentle, that even a feather was staying safe in constancy. The colours were so enriched with light that the whole landscape seemed to be a painting on the porcelain. It's name was Gheborhgia, the land of old sages as chronicles said. But the land by itself was older than all of the chronicles and all of the books ever written, and all of the times when people learn how to put their memory to the paper. Gheborghia was inhabited by Tafoons, forrest creatures with featutres of old willows and three ears, so the third one allowed them to hear voices from inside of the earth. They were big and strong, but also calmed like an old river and able to answer any question, and their spirits were totally free, without any earthly attachment.
But one day their lives got suddenly interrupted. There, one of the young Tafoons found a message hidden in a light silver box, apparently dropped down to Gheborghia and stopped by a branch of a tree. Young Tafoon, anxious, quickly took a box to the Tafoon Gathering, where the oldest and the wisest Tafoons holt the answers about spirituality of the world. They placed the box inside of the circle, meditated and then gently removed the embelished lid. Inside, there was a thoroughly wrapped letter, beautifully calligraphed and adressed to powerful and kind habitants of the 'unknown land', with respect offered to greatest kings. The letter was indeed a request for a friendship between them and a land of Leafonghia, country three valleys and seven mountain far from Gheborghia, whose habitants eventually discovered home of Tafoons while their baloon journey. Tafoons looked at each other speechless. As the letter said, creautures of Leafonghia have never seen any other land neither it's habitants. Tafoons have never seen it as well.
After a long discussion, filled with passion, anxiety and curiousity, all at the same time, the decision has been finally made. One of the oldest Tafoons caught the eagle, the strongest and the fastest of those living on branches of willows, and slipped the response under his wings. Then they instructed it to fly, fly far, towards South East like they were advised by the message from Leafonghia. After that, with silence in their hearts, they were waiting.
Three rainy weeks had passed when one day Gheborghians saw something they had never imagined before. The untouched and unchanged pastel sky was full of colourful dots. Dots were red and yellow, and blue with small lights surrounding their shapes, and they seemed to be ladybugs from beautiful, although surreal, dream. Once dots got closer, they appeared to be painted baloons, carrying inside extremely unsual creatures. Tafoons stood in front of them, trying to find words to welcome their new guests, but the puzzlement took away all of the phrases they used to know. Otherwise, the passengers of baloons knew exactly what to say.
- Hello, Tafoons, our powerful and wise neighbors of the beautiful Gheborghia- screamed one of the rare creatures with a regard known only to people living in kingdoms. The habitants of Leafonghia were small and very light, almost without any hair, covered just by dark and wrinkled skin which made them similar to chestnuts. They had big smiles and big hats decorated with leaves of many colours. Tafoons kept looking at them trying to explain to themselves that the guests were not only a dream.
- We are Bollambits- continued the small creature.- Residents of Leafonghia.
Tafoons stayed in constancy, surprised by the fact that travelers speak the same language. Bollambits, after introducing each other, took a look around the Ghegorghia's landscape. Big ears visible from underneath of the hats started to move rythmically. Then, the leader of Bollambits, and the oldest of Tafoons, looked each other in the eye. Then they both kept the silence, intimidated.
Few days of Bollambits' visit passed. Creatures stopped to surprise each other. Leafonghians got to know as happy and funny neighbors, spending time playing cheerful music on their instruments. Tafoons learned how to dance and laugh, and they discovered healing abilities of wine. They taught Bollambits how to mediatate and connect with nature, and predict the future out of clouds. After these days, new friends could not image a life without each other.
- How could we ever live without Tafoons!- shouted senior Bollambit, giggling with one of his ears an ear on the oldest Tafoon's forehad.
- In a boredom, my little funny friend- answered the one filling the air with a loud laugh.
When the visit of Bollambits was getting to the end, the sages of Gheborghia decided to create a symbol of their friendship to connect two nations forever.
- Let's create a painting of a perfect landscape as a sign of symbiosis between Tafoons and Bollambits and their beautiful coexistence.
Friends from Leafonghia cheerfully clapped their hand and their ears has risen up to the clouds. On another day, they begun to paint.
Gheborghians placed the enormous canvas in front of the willows and slowly, harmonizing with their nature, they started to copy the image of the trees partially hidden behind the fog. Bollambits were watching it in silence, and none of them grabbed a brush to help painting the willows. But Tafoons seemed not to notice that, devoted to the creation. Suddenly, when they started to copy the sky, previously mixing blue paint with gray and white, the senior Bollambit used his voice.
- The perfect sky should be navy blue- said he and on these words all of the Tafoons turned back.
- It was supposed to be the perfect landscape- the small creature continued.- And the perfect sky should be navy blue, without any cloud on it.
But Tafoons kept quiet watching their friends' faces with sadness and disappointment. They, they beloved Bollambits, rejected their sky. The oldest of Tafoons slowly put his brush on the ground, and walked away. The rest of Gheborghians followed him, leaving alone distressed and crying chestnuts, who rejected their biggest offer- sky.
Fifty months had passed in Tafoons's callendar and the sadness wad not passing. The oldest Tafoon spent his days away from others, trying to find a relief in the harmony of nature. But nature was deaf and dumb and nothing was there for him to bring a release to his lonely heart.
One day, without a word with the rest of the nation, for the first time the oldest Tafoon decided to follow his heart. He took one of the dead willows, lying on the shore and built a boat out of it. Then he put it in the water, and let the wave take him. The big wind soon drove him on the big see, to the horizon he had never seen before. He traveled through the storms, just him and a willow, through the rocky coasts of uninhabited islands, through the cold nights and lonely rains. But the boat did not sink.
One day, when eighty months had passed in Bollambits callendar, senior Bollambit interrupted his music as his seight got attracted by an unusual event. Small wrinkled chestnut felt his ears moving like never before, his eyes got big like never before, and his voice left him for the first time. He saw his dearest friend, the oldest Tafoon, sailing on the willow towards the coast, against the wind, against the overwhelming misery seemingly surrounding the world outside Gheborghia of which he had been scared for his whole life.
The oldest Tafoon sailed to the coast, placing his wide feet on hot yellow sand and felt the joy he never guessed to exist. He saw his friend Bollambit running towards him, with his big smile and dancing ears, and the loneliness of his heart left him forever.
Then, eventually he rised his eyes. And saw that the sky over Leafonghia is navy blue.
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